
Trusted by over 4000+ members

Give an hour, get a lot more back!

Hexitime. The digital marketplace where users trade expertise with a time currency. Supporting business effectiveness through timely knowledge sharing and collaboration.
happy customers across Healthcare and Education

Deploy the expertise in your workforce you didn't know you had!

Conventional organisations manage knowledge by job function. With Hexitime, members offer and request the expertise they know will add value to projects.

Build a collaborative ecosystem in your organisation that reimburses engagement.

Time is precious. At Hexitime, members are reimbursed with credit when they use their skills to help colleagues. Our timebank supports engagement and retention.

How does it work?

Give an hour, get a lot more back!

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About Us

What is Hexitime and how can it benefit your workforce?

Hexitime is a transformative platform with a clear mission: to harness the untapped potential within organizations. By connecting professionals, Hexitime facilitates the exchange of skills and expertise, enabling individuals to offer their time and talents to support their colleagues in innovative ways.

This collaborative approach not only enhances workforce development but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement within systems. Hexitime empowers workers to share, learn, and grow together, ultimately contributing to better services and a more resilient workforce.

Awesome features of Hexitime

Networked customers

Hexitime networks can benefit from each other. Manage your settings to share knowledge and access capacity across vast networks.

Alerts and intelligent search

Personalised feeds for users to find collaboration opportunities that make the most of their expertise and interests.

Data insights

Understand why, where and how users are collaborating. Use insights to identify great ideas, productivity and innovation where it matters.

Award-winning timebank

Move knowledge to where it matters by trading time as a tokenised currency. Empower users by creating work capacity and foster engagement.

Build collaboration threads

Connect expertise and ideas around subjects that matter to both staff and the organisation.

Unique visual mapping

See in real time where the connections and collaboration is happening in your organisation.

A multi-award winning community

Meet our leadership team

What people say about Hexitime

We are always seeking to learn from the experience of our members. Share some positive or constructive feedback with us here to support development of our community.

Thousands of happy users

Frequently asked questions

01. How long does it take to get a Hexitime platform up and running for my organisation?

Assuming you provide the necessary imagery and text for your platform in a timely manner, we can get a network page up in 48 hours and a whitelabel platform in about 2 weeks. 

02. What support is provided after my organisation goes live with Hexitime ?

You will have an assigned account manager available to advise and troubleshoot. We prefer to keep a prompt personal service, so with many of our customers our account manager is available on both WhatsApp for chat and email for more formal enquiries. Depending on your requirements we will also provide: 

– Data reports showing how your network is scaling and delivering impact

– Online workshops for users to set up profiles and get started 

– Site visits 

– Consultancy to create revenue streams for your platform

– Personalised functionality enhancements, POA. 

03. How compliant is Hexitime with GDPR, safeguarding and information governance requirements?

We are fully compliant with UK GDPR requirements. Please see details in our policies in the website footer. 

04. Does my organisation have the right culture to deploy Hexitime effectively?

This is an important consideration. Technology alone won’t change culture. Hexitime works best with organisations that promote autonomy, inclusivity, diversity and psychologically safe spaces to share and collaborate. If your organisation is dictated by a command and control culture, we may not be a good fit for you. 

05. How much does it cost?

See our products page for more details. We also run a nonprofit side to Hexitime which may be able to offer a heavily discounted rate to get your network started. 

Our community now use Hexitime to create a more intimate conference experience

With Hexitime you can connect your conference delegates long after the main event. Our software will support and reward attendees to share expertise and collaborate around your agenda, while providing live data feeds on engagement.


Seed investment round live now!

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